Pre-Pregnancy & Prenatal Care

Dr. Kamphuis has a special interest in working with couples before & during pregnancy.
Her work with midwives abroad, her training as a labour doula and her own past struggle with miscarriages, are the backdrop for what is now a love & passion for pre-pregnancy & prenatal care!
Pre-Pregnancy Care

Dr. Kamphuis works with couples before pregnancy who:
want to be proactive to improve their chances of a healthy pregnancy & baby
want to reduce the risk of a complication that they experienced in a previous pregnancy including hypertension, diabetes, preterm labour & preeclampsia.
are experiencing infertility (male & female), hormonal imbalances (male & female), miscarriages, or implantation problems
want to optimize the success of fertility procedures like IVF & IUI.
Naturopathic Prenatal Care
Dr. Keshia provides naturopathic prenatal care to compliment conventional prenatal care, and works with expecting mom's on:

trimester-specific lab testing to identify whether key nutrients are at the levels that are linked with a healthier outcome in pregnancy
in-depth diet & supplement review
optimal supplementation & nutrition for each trimester during pregnancy
common challenges like nausea, vomiting, fatigue, pain, insomnia, anxiety, digestive troubles, and more...
survey of common prenatal toxin exposures in home, occupation & hobbies
naturopathic labour preparation
Group B Strep (GBS) prevention
optimizing post-partum recovery
Dr. Keshia's Approach
"My goal is to help couples get on track for a smooth & enjoyable pregnancy, a healthy child & a quick post-partum bounce back, while also resolving any obstacles or challenges that come up along the way."
Challenges & obstacles can come up at any point along the way to becoming parents. Dr. Keshia's focus is to understand what is at the root of the problem & find a solution so you can feel better & move forward.
Proactive Prevention
We all want a healthy mom & baby at the end of the day. Learn about the proactive, science-backed steps you can take before & during pregnancy to reduce the risk of experiencing the most common pregnancy complications & post-partum pitfalls.
Made-for-You Programs
Move beyond popping a few fertility or prenatal supplements because they are "good for you", and find out exactly what you need to do in your situation & for your body to get on track for the healthy outcome you want.
Preconception + Prenatal Lab Testing
Did you know?

22% of women in Canada are below the level of Folate that minimizes the risk of a neural tube defect - even though Folic Acid is added to many common foods!
50%+ of women in Canada will start their pregnancy with a Vitamin D & Omega-3 level that is way below the levels that are needed to reduce premature labour & improve the future child's language skills.
Women who get enough Iodine during pregnancy are more likely to have a child with better language & psychological outcomes, yet more than 1 in every 3 women in Canada is deficient in Iodine.
These are just a few examples...
Taking supplements without knowing whether we need them or whether we are taking enough for our body doesn't always lead to the best outcome! Lab testing can often give definitive guidance on what is needed most to resolve problems & optimize the health of your pregnancy.
specialized preconception lab tests for men & women to look at health factors that may be contributing to obstacles to getting & staying pregnant, or could contribute to problems down the road during pregnancy.
help women get six key nutrients tested before pregnancy & up to Pregnancy-Ready Levels (PRLs) on lab test results - these levels have been found in numerous studies to reduce women's risk of the most common pregnancy complications & to improve the health of the future child.
trimester-specific lab tests for women who are already pregnant that tell us whether you are taking the right supplements & the right amounts for the unique nutrient demands of each trimester
treatment plans that have science-backed links to helping couples get pregnant and have a healthy outcome
I had pre-eclampsia in my first pregnancy, and wanted to see if there was anything I could do to prevent it from happening again in my next pregnancy. Dr. Keshia was knowledgeable, realistic & suggested a few things that really made sense. It was so great to see a doctor working on prevention!
Dr. Keshia uncovered some hormonal imbalances that no one else could find. The hormonal test that she used was so thorough, and she told me right away that my progesterone and cortisol levels were not where they needed to be for fertility. It was such a relief to find an answer to my struggle with getting pregnant.
I had hyperemesis gravidarum in my pregnancy and was desperate for help. The medications from my doctor helped, but I was still vomiting every day. Dr. Keshia put me on a couple of supplements & homeopathics, and the combination really took the edge off so I could get through my days.