Book an Appointment
Naturopathic Consultations
Dr Keshia Kamphuis is currently offering video & phone consultations to residents of the following provinces in Canada: AB, Maritime Provinces & Territories. If you are from other regions of Canada, please visit Find My ND to search for a naturopathic doctor in your area. In-person consultations are currently not available.
Your 1st visit (1 hour): $225
Follow-Up Visits (30 min): $100
Dr Kamphuis is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor in Red Deer, Alberta, and is regulated under the College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta (CNDA).
Direct billing is available for these insurance providers. Naturopathic Consults and Tests may be covered by some insurance providers or health spending accounts. Please check with your coverage in advance.
Current payment options include VISA, Mastercard and Direct Debit. Payment is taken at the end of the appointment.
Tele-medicine that is secure, convenient & easy-to-use
After you complete your booking, you will receive a few things by email:
Fillable Intake + Consent Forms: No need to scan or email anything! Please complete these forms no later than 24 hours before you appointment. Completing them acts as confirmation of your appointment.
How to Get to Your Appointment in 3 easy steps:
Set up your patient portal through the invitation that will be emailed to you
Click on the session link in your appointment confirmation email.
Log in to your portal and you will automatically join the video session.

Access your health record on-the-go with the Practice Better app. Get instant access to lab results, treatment plans and handouts, and message Dr Kamphuis directly. Practice Better is a secure, HIPAA compliant platform. That means your information stays private.
More questions?
Find out more about the Conditions Dr. Kamphuis commonly treats, What to Expect during your appointment, and which Treatments + Lab Tests she commonly suggests.